Sunday, February 8, 2009

"A Triumph for Human Rights"

I can't believe I haven't seen any coverage of this on any of the major mainstream news media sites! Arie Hoekman of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) spoke in Mexico City last month, and declared that families are not in crisis, but rather: "We are in the presence of...the rise of new values centered in the recognition of fundamental human rights."

Mexico has rising crime rates, as well as high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births. Leonardo Casco, a Honduran member of the Pontifical Council for the Family, does not see anything to celebrate about the breakdown of the traditional family. He told LifeSiteNews that "after 45 years of birth control, the pill, disrespect for marriage for the family, for children, etc, this is the result. Because of that we have violence, war, lack of respect of women, children."

See LifeSiteNews for their full report. I wish I could think of something smart to say about this, but I'm flabbergasted.


  1. It's hard to know exactly how to respond to things like the definition of "fundamental human rights" being appropriated.

    Anger comes to mind.

  2. Fundamental human rights begin with the family: the right to life, the right to a mother and a father, the right to raise children without government interference, the right to beliefs, the right to religion. Without these to preserve the family, the rest of society fails.

  3. Beth and Euripides:
    I think that you're both right on with your comments separately, but since I read them together I want to point out how much more meaningful they both are when taken together. The inappropriate use of words and phrases definitely contributes to problems in society! Thank you both for helping me to understand how disturbed I was by this article (although now I'm really getting riled up!)


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